Naomi Gerep

Naturopathic Practitioner

About Me

I grew up in the lovely city of Chattanooga, TN. My parents are from Brazil and during my early childhood, we frequently traveled back and forth between Rio de Janeiro and Chattanooga. The rich diversity of plants and animals in even urban settings of Brazil caught my eye from an early age and fostered within me a deep fascination and appreciation for the natural world. While use of herbal and homeopathic remedies is common in Brazil and has always interested me, I did not often see these modalities being used in the US.

I, like many people, often relied on conventional medicine to address most of my health concerns. A turning point occurred during my college years, however, when I started experiencing recurring bouts of tonsillitis. Conventional providers prescribed antibiotics time and again, but it became evident that this approach wasn't sustainable and failed to address the root cause of my health issues.

Determined to break free from this cycle, I began to delve into a holistic approach to my well-being. I made modifications to my diet and lifestyle, and also turned to botanical medicine and mind-body techniques to manage stress, which had been negatively impacting my immune system. Through these and other natural interventions, I found relief and broke the cycle.

This experience ignited in me a reverence for the body’s innate capacity for healing, which then took me to Portland, Oregon to learn about Naturopathic medicine. I am committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to achieve true and sustainable wellness. I look forward to embarking on this path with you as we explore the incredible possibilities that nature offers and work together to unlock your full potential.

Education & Credentials:

  • Residency: 2-year post-graduate residency at Richmond Natural Medicine in Richmond, VA (2020-2022)

  • Licensing: Licensed in the state of Vermont (2020-current)

  • Professional Doctorate: National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR (2020)

  • Undergraduate Studies: Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Minor in Psychology from Northeastern University in Boston, MA (2015)